The broadcast of the anime “Ayakashi Triangle” has been suspended indefinitely after the airing of episode 4 due to production problems. According to the official statement, these problems are the result of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the production schedule.

This news is unfortunate for fans who were excited to continue watching the series. However, it is important to keep in mind that the safety and well-being of the production team members are essential in these uncertain times.

It is possible that the series will resume in the future, but a specific date has not yet been given. In the meantime, fans can review past episodes and await updated news on the status of production.

In summary, the suspension of the “Ayakashi Triangle” anime is sad news for fans, but it is important to remember that the safety and well-being of production team members must be a priority in these uncertain times. Stay tuned for the latest news on the series and expect updates on its resumption in the future.